Invitation for Offer , SUPAIR Project…Supair ftese per oferte coffe break …Supair ftese per oferte darkeDownload
INVITATION TO TENDER FOR “ Develompment of the Low Carbon Action Plan” OF DURRES PORT Contract NoticeDownload
INVITATION TO TENDER FOR “ Develompment of the Low Carbon Action Plan” OF DURRES PORT…Administrative Compliance GridDownload
INVITATION TO TENDER FOR “ Develompment of the Low Carbon Action Plan” OF DURRES PORT…Contract and special conditionsDownload
INVITATION TO TENDER FOR “ Develompment of the Low Carbon Action Plan” OF DURRES PORT…Declaration HonourDownload
INVITATION TO TENDER FOR “ Develompment of the Low Carbon Action Plan” OF DURRES PORT…Evaluation GridDownload
INVITATION TO TENDER FOR “ Develompment of the Low Carbon Action Plan” OF DURRES PORT…Financial identification formDownload
INVITATION TO TENDER FOR “ Develompment of the Low Carbon Action Plan” OF DURRES PORT…General conditions expertDownload
INVITATION TO TENDER FOR “ Develompment of the Low Carbon Action Plan” OF DURRES PORT…Instructions to tendersDownload
INVITATION TO TENDER FOR “ Develompment of the Low Carbon Action Plan” OF DURRES PORT…Legal entity formDownload
INVITATION TO TENDER FOR “ Develompment of the Low Carbon Action Plan” OF DURRES PORT…Organisation and methodologyDownload
INVITATION TO TENDER FOR “ Develompment of the Low Carbon Action Plan” OF DURRES PORT…Tender formDownload