
Welcome to the DPA Transparency Program

Transparency and accountability have been key principles guiding the Durres Port Authority work and occupy a prominent place in our access to information policy, therefore the DPA Transparency program is part of our continuous efforts to being open and transparent by direct information to the public through our official website: http://localhost/apd

The information provided in this program, sets out the DPA commitment to transparency and disclosure based on the principles of Transparency, Accountability, Good Governance and Public Responsibility to Affected Stakeholders and describes the principles of implementation arrangements as well as contains limited exceptions to disclosure. 

The DPA shall, in accordance with the Transparency program principles, disclose documents or information including but not limited to those expressly mentioned below. In addition, it shall also set out certain implementation arrangements relating to the access to information in the relevant website where all document are accessible to the public: in a timely manner, in open data formats and without limits on reuse.

A growing number of documents and information such as operational activity data, annual reports, statistics, indicators and data on supply chain and logistics, financial reports, latest regulations and project implementation are easily accessible.

The contents of this program are continuously updated with efforts on improvements in completeness, quality, accessibility and comprehensiveness therefore this information should always be considered as provisional.

Specific information categories classified as “Confidential Information” are not subject to disclosure and may be subject to restricted accessibility of the DPA Transparency program such as:• information received from or sent to third parties, with an expectation of confidentiality;• information whose disclosure is likely to endanger the safety or security of any individual, violate his or her rights, or invade his or her privacy; • information covered by legal privilege or regulatory proceedings, or that subjects the institution to an undue risk of litigation, or is related to internal audits and investigations;• internal inter-office or intra-office documents, including e-mails and draft documents and • All kinds of information which, because of its content or the circumstances of its creation or communication, must be deemed confidential.

*The definition of “Confidential Information” should be understood in a way that favors disclosure as much as possible without contravening these terms. 


1. “The right to information” is a constitutional right provided in Article 23, accessible to all without exception.

2. Presumption on maximum information disclosure: DPA is a public body, therefore all information regarding its activity is in accordance with the provisions in force.

3. Ensuring the correct and effective implementation of the laws and legal provisions that regulate its activity namely: Law no. 9887, dated, 10.03.2008, “On protection of personal data” amended by Law no.119/2014, “On right to information”.

4. The information will be available in the official language: Albanian.

5. Publicly disclosed information must be:- complete;- accurate;- updated;- easily consultable;- comprehensive;- easily accessible;


Publicly disclosed information is expressly provided in Article 7 of Law No. 119/2014 “The Right to Information”.

In accordance with the approved Transparency program terms, the Port Authority discloses to the public through its official website: http://localhost/apd and its public reception areas, the following information categories:

-Full texts, manuals or any relevant documents regarding port activity which may be subject to public interest;

-Information regarding the procedures on information disclosure request submission, port contacting information as well as appeal procedures on public procurement and decisions;

-Information regarding the port authority premises and offices, working hours, DPA divisions’ contacts; strategic work plans, financial reports and documents containing performance indicators of the port authority, budget and expenditure plans on predicted annual financial performances as well as any periodical or annual report regarding budget implementation.

-Information on public procurement procedures or competitive procedures of concession/public private partnership, pursuant to the provisions of law no. 9643, dated 20.12.2006, “On public procurement”, and law no. 125/2013, “On concessions and public-private partnership”, carried out on behalf of the port authority, including the list of signed contracts, the contracted amount, the contracting parties, services or goods, information on the implementation and monitoring of contracts, as well as various guidelines and policies;

-Information on services and facilities provided to the public by the port authority, including service quality standards, categories and forms of social aid information, subsidies granted and subsidizing procedures, frequently required information and documents, any information deemed useful to public interest;

-Digital preservation and copyright of all information available and publicly disclosed at the DPA official website is stored in its digital archive including preservation files of all the information published at the Transparency program.

The information published under this program is continuously updated.