PDA: January-October 2018, 726 thousand tons of cargo through ferry terminal , 8 percent more than the 10-month 2017 7 November 2018

During January-October 2018, the ferry lines Durrës – Bari, Durrës – Ancona and the way back, have transported together with the passengers, over 63 thousand trucks, trailers with 726 thousand tons of total freight.

In the same period, they were preferred by some 757 thousand domestic and foreign travelers. From the statistics sector of the DPA, it is noticed that ferries have made 851 round trips during this 10-month period, or 2 more than the same period last year. Meanwhile, the volume of transported goods has reached 450 thousand tons in the entrance to Durres (import), and 276 thousand tons at the exit (export), respectively 7% and 8% higher than in January-October 2017. Ferry lines have transported during January-October 2018, 58,284 trucks and 2,467 trains, respectively 5% and 1% more than in 10 months of the last year.