Port today/ Starting the week with seven vessels in process and over 15 thousand tons of cargo expecting to be handled in the coming hours. June 15th 2020

Seven freight carriers are being processed thismorning in the Port of Durres, while another four merchant ships are expecting to commence discharging cargo in the next few hours. 

According to the DPA Info Center reports, this Monday seven freight vessels are being handled in three Cargo Terminals, one of which carrying 300 container PCs. Referring to the same source, over 17 thousand tons of goods such as cement, iron,nutriments and scrap unloading operations are currently in progress from the aforementioned ships.

In the meantime, another four commercial vesselshauling over 15 thousand tons of various cargo such as glass, coal, urea and scrap are presently waiting at anchorage expecting to proceed with berthing anddischarging operations at the country’s largest port quays.