The LASTING project seminar in Durres: paving the way to the 1st Lower Adriatic Transnational Summit/ June 26th 2023

The next mid-term knowledge dissemination and development seminar of LASTING project took place today in Durres.
The seminar was an important opportunity to present the LASTING mid-term results and to share views and ideas among the project partners and experts, in view of the forthcoming drafting process of the guidelines for an integrated passenger transport strategy in the Lower Adriatic region.

Mr. Giuseppe Garofalo, Project Manager of ASSET – Puglia Region led the event in cooperation with all project partners where the expected benefits, goals and hurdles to overcome towards a more connected and integrated Lower Adriatic transnational region were discussed.

The event is an intermediate step towards the1st Lower Adriatic Transnational Summit to be held in September in Bari, a great occasion to present LASTING guidelines towards a shared passenger transport strategy, which will involve the Ministries of Transport of Albania, Montenegro, Puglia Region and Molise Region, and subsequently extended to the Ministries of Transport of Northern Macedonia and Bulgaria.