Weekend Port: 7 ships with processing goods, another 5 are expected March 9th, 2019

Over  the  weekend, 7  boats  with  over  27,000 tons  of  freight  are  being  processed at port  quays.

From the APD Information Center, it is learned that the ship “Lily Auerbach” has just completed the process, which unloaded 7,000 tons of coal.

Meanwhile, on the quays unloading of a number of ships with superphosphate, wheat, iron and sheet iron, continue. Another ship is unloading 397 containers. From the same source it is learned that the specialized vessel “Eemslift Ellen” continues to load over 1100 tons of TAP pipeline equipment and machinery.

The APD Information Center informs that five other merchant vessels with approximately 13,000 tons of  different commodities like cement, wheat, glass and urea are expected in the weekend.