DPA: Intensified healthcare surveillance at the country’s largest port February 25th.2020

Two ferries berthed today at Durres Port quays debarking 452 passengers which comparable to the same period of the previous year indicate relatively identical volume rates regarding passengers’ traffic.

According to Durres Port Authority, a reinforced medical team accompanied by auxiliary personnel have formerly conducted meticulous screening  on the passengers’ health status as well as their itineraries prior to Durres Port arrival.  Passengers were very cooperative and responded to questions as well as brief health visits while aboard the Bari – Durres ferry.

Since the beginning of the month, the Albanian Public Health Institute and DPA have been coordinating efforts on precautionary measures enhancement amid the novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) threats at the country’s largest port border crossing.

The Ferry Terminal established medical staff has been currently reinforced with duplicated number of  doctors and experts from the DPA Health Protection Department, PHI and the local Public Health Directorate in the framework of the National Task Force Group.

On Monday a total of 446 passengers travelling by Bari – Durres ferry routes arrived at the Durres Port Ferry Terminal.

DPA Info Centre reports a slight increase during the past week  with respect to ferry routes as to the average February volumes records of the previous years.